This regular lunch series will feature insights and an engaging presentation from a special guest speaker in our community, over a delicious catered set lunch and the opportunity to connect with fellow club members in a welcoming setting.

Join us for the next lunch on Wednesday 30th October at 12pm, in the company of special guest speaker Dr Steve Carey.

Dr Steve Carey wrote his doctorate on 'Comedy in James Joyce's Ulysses' at Oxford University, supervised by Joyce's biographer Richard Ellmann. Steve is now Treasurer of Bloomsday in Melbourne and wrote this year's play for Bloomsday, Samuel Beckett and The Rainbow Girl.

Is James Joyce Dead? Long, challenging books by dead white men are not the drawcard they once were. Is there any point in reading Joyce any more? Steve makes the case why those who haven't read Ulysses (yet) might want to have another crack at it.

*Your ticket price includes presentation and insights from our guest speaker and a catered two course set lunch prepared by Chef Dargan and the Wild Geese team.